Our team is ambitious and will spare no effort to guarantee a good relationship with our customers. Our main goal is to get our customers quality flowers for competative prices.
Our purchasing team always makes sure they see and touch the flowers before they buy them at the Netherlands three biggest flower-auctions. Because of our extensive network we're able to import the best flowers from all over the world.
It's of our great concern that we meet the customer's demand. This means a flexible and custumer focused approach characterises the way we think and act. You as a customer can take advantage of our service; door to door delivery. This way we also have direct contact with our customers. After all, face to face communication is still the best. However, if you have questions or remarks, you can always give us a ring.
Ordering convenience.
Our customers are able to make their orders electronically or by fax. We use shipping agents to ensure that all our orders are delivered to the customer on time. Many customers use the internet ordering system, which means they can order just when it suits them.
We coordinate the orders shortly before the auctions begin so our purchasing team is fully briefed on what to buy.
Our computerised logistics and administrative processes ensure that orders of customers are handled effectively and efficiently. Service quality remains at all times the key to what we do.
In our Webshop you can find a great variety of flowers. Price and quality are always good. Check our webshop now to see our current variety.
All the plants you´ll ever need! The plantshop is closed IE-time from 10.00 untill 16.00 hours (Monday to Friday)